Career guide of the Future jobs
With the new technology and new inventions we are moving towards the age of uncertainty. The only thing that will be constant is changes. The nature of work is constantly changing and the jobs that were attractive & lucrative in the last 10 or 20 years has been disappeared because of rapid changes in the world. Your parents may find working for a single company throughout their career and life more relevant and secure, however in your time this concept of job has been changed. You don’t need work like your parents (from 9:00 to 6:00). You have better options for yourself like freelancing and remote work. The jobs in the future will be different than today’s jobs. The most important thing for the future jobs will be your attitude to learn and acquire new skills. You don’t need to be a Manager or an Engineer to be successful, what you need is big aspiration and an area of your choice in which you want to work for making your life more enjoyable. So, what you can do ...