Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing: Social Selling!

The digital and social media trends are influencing the way we connect and work in our daily life. These trends are also changing rapidly. There are many trends which were useful in the past one year, however they become absolute within one year because of the rapid technological transformation and advancement. We are using social media today not only for social connectivity but for tapping the emerging opportunities that available to earn money.

Social selling is also one of these opportunities. Social selling is the process of developing relationships as part of the sales process and use different social media platform to connect & engage with the potential clients. Today we have lots of platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, that we can use for our business. The social selling could also take place either online or offline. Examples of social selling techniques include sharing relevant content, interacting directly with potential buyers and customers, personal branding, and social listening.

Social selling is evolving with change in consumption pattern of the customers who are shifting from traditional to social selling of products and service because of better quality and comfort that social selling. There are many emerging trends in social selling some of them are:

Influncer Marketing: Influncer Marketers are people on social media channels who have a strong following but don’t have a celebrity status. While there is no exact threshold, micro influencers typically have anywhere between 1,000 and 90,000 followers. Once we start to reach the hundreds of thousands of followers line, we are entering macro influencer territory. And anything higher than a macro influencer is considered to be a celebrity.

Paid Advertising & Branding: Companies that want to take their social media strategies to the next level also pay for advertisements.Facebook alone has more than six million advertisers on its platform. In September 2017, Instagram hit two million monthly paid advertisers.

Social Listing: Social platforms are listening to your conversations. Whether you want to believe this or not, it’s the truth. I know you’ve seen it before. You’re talking about something with your friends and then you see an advertisement for it on social media.
User generated Content: User-generated content is basically like free advertising. It’s one of the best ways to grow your business by doing less work. Get customers to talk about your company.Encourage them to use hashtags and post about your brand on social platforms. One of the simplest ways to accomplish this is by posting user content to your company’s profile.

Does social selling really works? So the answer is yes it really works. The buying and selling landscape however is rapidly changing. Social media is clearly a massive, global, online phenomenon that business owners could not afford to ignore. People and even mainstream news and other traditional broadcast channels are using or incorporating social media elements to engage with their audiences. This is providing a remarkable way for sales and marketing teams to engage with their prospective customers – social selling.

Small Business & Social Selling: Social selling is not complicated or something to be fearful of. At its heart, social selling is about helping your prospects and building a relationship with them. Social media provides the ideal platform for small businesses with limited time and budget to find those prospects and start this relationship building process.

In the last it could be said that Social Selling is emerging as a new growth driver for the small businesses and startups. It has the potential to change your sells and revenue in a shorter period of time. It is very simple to understand the whole process and work with different social media platforms. However we should always be aware of the new emerging trends in social selling because if something is working today it is possible that it will not work tomorrow. Thus we should make ourselves update with all the new trends in social selling.


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